Saturday, June 9, 2012

What a day!!

So the wedding shower marathon has started and all of my Saturday's in June are filled by wedding showers! It's so fun to see my friends and family showered with gifts and love from everyone they love! Today I had two showers, first was for my friend Whitney and then was for my brother and his bride to be.

Well my morning started out good. I woke up early took a shower, fixed my hair, ran to the grocery store, grabbed my izzy girl and then I headed out the door.
Both of the showers were in Lawton so I made the drive down the highway, which I have made 10,000,000,000 times before. I stopped in chickasha to get gas which I have also done a billion times before. I got back into my car after i filled up to head down the highway.
My... Car.... Won't .... Start...
I don't have any jumper cables so I went into the gas station to see if they had any to buy... Nope! Nothing! So I asked the first nice couple that I see if they have any jumper cables and luckily they did! The nice man drove around to my car and gave me a jump. All was good until I....
Locked.... My.... Keys... In... The.... Car. . . .
Yes. I locked my keys in the car. I have never in all my years of driving either had car trouble like this or locked my keys in my car. And let me remind you that my poor Izzy girl is still in the car. Luckily my car was still running and the air was on.
I saw two highway patrol cars in the parking lot and so I went into the gas station to find them to ask if they could help me unlock my car. I walked up to them and said,"I know I am not supposed to approach you, but I locked my keys in my car and I was hoping you had something or you might know how to unlock my car.". They both had pretty strict poker faces on and I thought they were going to be rude and not help me. It wasn't until I muttered the words "my dog is still in the car!" that their faces melted and they came out to my car to see if they could help. It turned out that they both had small dogs so maybe that helped me!
One of the officers went back into the gas station and came out with two wire hangers. I was hoping that they would know what to do because I didn't want to call a locksmith and wait for hours and then pay a bunch of money to unlock my car. Oh and on a side note I had my spare keys in my purse, in my car. And on another side note my husband is working an extra job so he was trying to get extra sleep to get ready for that so I didn't want to call and disturb him.
Back to my day..
While one of the officers was working on my car, two girls in a van came over and told me that they just went through the exact same thing with their car and they knew some tricks to unlock the door. Nothing was working. Either the hanger was too short or it wasn't strong enough to push the button.
My poor Izzy girl had no clue what was going on. She even got poked by they hanger on accident. She had her paws up on the door and another hope we had was that maybe she would press one of the buttons. Even if she pressed the window button that would help. Well she did press a button, the lock button..
After almost an hour and three ohp officers later, on a last little effort one of the officers tried something different and unlocked my car!! Praise Jesus!!!
I am so thankful for all of the kind people that either helped me or tried to comfort me. Things could have been a lot worse. I am thankful that all of that happend in daylight and in a crowd of people. God was definitely watching out for me this morning and I am so grateful that He kept me safe through the whole mess of everything.
Oh and let me just say that all of this happend before 9:30 this morning.

What a day!

The end...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012



Since the last post we have started our wonderful Oklahoma spring time weather.  I have to admit this is my favorite and least favorite time of the year... Favorite because it is time for my b day and also my husbands as well, dance recital time, and summer is near!!! Least favorite because of one main thing... STORMS!!

I hate storms.  I get so scared and nervous every time we have a severe storm that could turn into a tornado.  I have always been scared of tornadoes but I have always been lucky because they don't really happen a lot where I'm from.  BUT... last year a tornado came too close for comfort.  On the May 24th tornado last year hit like a mile away from my house.  We were so lucky that it jumped our neighborhood and we had minimal damage.  On a side note we had just finished our fence like a month before so we were super lucky our fence didn't blow over like a lot of people in our neighborhood.  ANYWAYS... last year we took cover in our next door neighbors shelter so we were lucky to have that option for safety.  The main thing I hate is that I can't have all of my babies with me.  We had to leave Samson in our house because he was too big and we took the girls to the shelter.  But I can't complain too much because I had my husband with me and we were safe underground.  This year we had some severe weather and I am sooooo thankful that it didn't turn into anything. 


Last weekend we had our last dance competition for the year.  I am so proud of my dancers!  They did a great job!! The dances that I choreographed received a gold, a platinum, and a double platinum.  They also placed in the top 10 over all getting 8th, 3rd, and 2nd in their division.  I was very pleased!  They all worked so hard and performed very well!! 

This weekend is going to be very busy.  Well I should say this Saturday is going to be very busy.  I start out the morning working at barre3 and then race down the highway for two dance rehearsals and then I come right back up the highway to have dinner with my family to celebrate my birthday!  I am excited to spend time with my family.  That is always a good time!!

In the words of my Grandad... "They say time flies when you're having a good time.  Well I must be having a ball!"

the end..


Friday, April 6, 2012

on a roll..

Oh Friday nights... When my husband is at work it is super boring to be at home by myself.  I try to keep myself busy and do house chores.. but tonight I didn't manage to do that at all.  Oh well :).  When I'm home by myself it gives me time for just some Allison time.  Tonight I have been thinking about my life and how different it has become. 

When I look though my pictures or videos on face book sometimes it makes me kinda sad.  I get sad because I see all of my high school or college friends and I remember how much I loved spending time with those people. Especially college.  Being in the dance program it was like being in my own sorority.  We were always with each other and sometimes we even lived together.  I met some of my very best friends in college and time and distance has pulled me apart from most of them.  After college I moved out of Edmond and then eventually moved back down to Lawton to start working at the studio full time before I got married.  My friends who I saw every single day, I see maybe once a year.  It is pretty sad when I think of it that way.  I get so busy and caught up in my work life and spending time with my husband, that sometimes my friend life suffers.  I literally have to make a point to schedule hang out times with my friends on my calendar to make sure I get it all in.  That sounds kinda snobby but oh well it is what it is. 

OK before I get too sad....

Easter is this weekend!!!!! Family time!  Today my husband and I went Easter outfit shopping and we came out successful (thank goodness!)!! I made it a point to find something long because my legs are way too white to show off! 

Come on sunshine.. last longer than a couple of days!!

I need some color for the weddings I am going to be in!  Now that my hair is blond I need some color on my skin to break up the pale colors in some outfits!  Oh well summer is almost here and so is my b-day.

Speaking of my birthday... I haven't been too excited about this one.. 26.  Now that I'm past all of the fun ages, now birthdays just mean I'm getting older :(.  Oh well it is bound to happen. 

Well off to bed... I have work early in the morning... the end


Wednesday, April 4, 2012


It is April already?! Really?!?! Wow... I have abandoned my blog once again and I made myself post something tonight.  So... here is goes...

I have been way busy lately.  I have been trying to find some moments of down time and when I find it I really try to embrace it as much as I can.  My dance life has been way busy.  We have started our full cast rehearsals on the weekends which means I have to add another day or two to my driving to Lawton schedule.  We do full cast rehearsals to run the shows completely and that way the dancers know what dance they go after.  This year we are doing 3 shows which is a first.  It is pretty exciting to me to have 3 shows because that just means our studio is growing so much that our shows would be too long if we only had 2!  Exciting times!  We have also started learning our teacher's dance.  That means... I GET TO DANCE!  Which also means my body has been hurting :).  But its a good hurt!

On another note.... It has been a while but for Spring Break my mom and I headed to Dallas to get away and do some shopping.  It was good to have some girl time and it's always nice to spend some one on one time with my momma.  We got to meet up with my cousin Kristen and I am so glad we got to see her!  My cousin Kristen and I are one year apart.  We grew up dancing together and were always spending the night at each others house.  Now that we are older, and she now lives in Texas, we only get to see each other at family events... so it was nice to spend some time with her!  While we were in Texas it rained.... and rained.. and rained.  It was almost comical how much it rained because it seemed like every time we got into the car... it rained!  But all in all it was a good time! 

In other news... I got another job!  I am working at Barre3 at their new location in Edmond.  I am working the front desk and so I had to learn all new stuff!  So if you are in the area definitely check Barre3 out!  It is a great workout! 

So my life has been pretty busy but I like it that way!  My husband and I have been trying to adjust to new schedules but we are making it work!  He is now working a new shift and I have been seeing a lot more of his handsome face!  Now that we have been married a little over a year and a half we have really settled into marriage.  We are still trying to figure some things out but all in all things are good good good!

I know the next couple of months are going to fly so I am going to try to enjoy every second of it.  This summer I am in two weddings.. (my brother's and my very good friend Whitney's) and they are two weeks apart from each other.  I am so excited and very honored to be apart of these two special days! 

Anyways.... Hopefully I won't abandon my blog anymore... so if it happens just yell at me! :).. the end..


Sunday, January 29, 2012

My weekend..

I had a pretty darn good weekend! To start things off on Thursday my mom drove to the city with me after I got off work at the studio. She was meeting her friends in the city for a girls weekend and so it worked out for her to hitch a ride with me. It was nice to be able to talk to her like normal without holding a phone to my ear. I was telling her that it was weird not holding something or doing something with my hands while I was driving! I didn't know what to do with myself!

On Friday I went into work and had a fun time redressing mannequins and face outs. It's fun finding different outfits that have to go together and make a story. After work I met my mom in the mall since she was already there and hung out with her for a bit. I ran home to take a quick power nap before I met my brother's future wifey and the rest of the girls in the wedding party to get measured for our bridesmaids dresses. While we were getting measured the seamstress told us her amazing story (I will write a separate post about that later.. It's kinda a long story but it's a good one). After the fitting we went out to dinner and had a good time getting to know each other a little better.

Saturday I went into work again and it was a different day. It was a little on the slow side so I got the opportunity to organize. I organized all of the girls shoes in the back room and that took a while but it was relaxing. After work I drove to Norman to shop for tank tops for dance. I went to the mall and I didn't find a thing so I decided to go to Ross. I have never been to the Ross in Norman and let me tell you, I will never go to another Ross again. I have never seen so many great name brands in a Ross before. I scored pretty big in my opinion. I found a pair of MEK jeans for $12. They are my favorite brand of jeans and they normally run anywhere from $98-140. Who cares that they are a size 28 and I wear a 26! For $12 they are going to work! They are charcoal skinny jeans and they fit pretty good, they are just a little big in the waist but again for $12 I am going to make them work! I also found a cute OBEY tank (one of my other favorite brands) so I felt pretty stoked about my shopping trip! After that I went home and my dear sweet husband woke up and we had some over due quality time together before he went to work so that was nice.

Today I went to church (by myself :) ) and it was a great way to start off my week. I went grocery shopping afterwards and I got stuff to make dinner for my hubs. I wanted to make something other than chicken so I made steak, loaded mashed potatoes, green beans, and homemade soft chocolate chip cookies. Yummy!

Well I hope my week goes as well as my weekend did! The end..


Saturday, January 21, 2012

It is a do nothing day

So I was off today because I am going to work tomorrow night to help out with inventory. So today I did a whole lot of absolutely nothing. I was out of town for a dance convention last weekend and as pathetic as it sounds I was still tired this week from that. So I totally took advantage of this day off.

Yesterday after work I got to hang out with one of my dear friends. We had a blast like we always do. It's good to hang out with friends and just forget about the real world for a while. We totally acted like children and I think we might have driven my husband a little crazy but it's ok.. He survived :).

Well off to do a little more nothing:) the end..

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So I have been pretty darn lazy about this here blog.  I have thought many times.. "man.. this would make a good post on my blog" and then I never did it.  Shame shame...

Some good news... I GOT A NEW LAPTOP!!!!!!!! I named her Lady Sally.  I really like it so far.  I got a Samsung to try something new.  I normally have a Dell and they just fall apart (sometimes literally).  So hopefully this one will last for a while.  Long live Lady Sally!

So to start the new year, (yes I know it's mid January but oh well :) ) I am going to give 10 random facts about me.....

1.  People think I'm quiet, but I'm really not. - When I am in a big crowd I normally get pretty quiet.  Sometimes it is due to my shyness as a kid but most of the time I am people watching and trying to figure the crowd out.  I love to observe people and figure them out without saying a word.

2.  I have never really been in the "in crowd"-  Growing up I was never super popular but it never bothered me.  I do things for myself because I want to not because its the cool thing to do.  Now don't get me wrong I wasn't a complete nerd or anything, but I didn't live everyday striving to be popular.  Even now when it comes to fashion I wear things that I know I like and will look good on me not because its the most in style thing.  I have always had my own sense of style even when I was a kid and I am proud of that fact. 

3.  I am a FRIENDS fan-  I LOVE the TV show Friends.  I didn't watch it when it was on TV, but I own every season on DVD.  I have watched every episode multiple times and I don't get tired of them.  I started watching them before I go to bed a couple years ago and its become a little ritual for me.  Even my husband said he was starting to get used to watching them!  I even used a quote from friends in my wedding program.

4.  I talk to my mom almost everyday-  My mom is one of my closest friends.  I don't think I was ever one of those kids who was embarrassed to be around their mom.  My mom came with me on most of my church or dance trips and I wouldn't have had it any other way.  My mom has done so much for me and I am so grateful for her.

5.  I kinda have a new obsession with the color turquoise-  I didn't realize that I love that color so much until I looked at my closet and saw all of the turquoise things in my closet.  I have purses, necklaces, shirts, sweat pants, cell phone case... just to name a few :)

6.  I have a weird thing about my hands being clean-  I don't like to use things that are toxic like bleach because they make your hands smell weird.  In my mind, if the bottle says keep away from children or toxic if eaten it could kill me if it is on my hands.  I wont eat or do anything that involves my face until the smell is off my hands.  I'm not crazy I swear.  I even had a hard time painting my fingernails because I was afraid that it would chip off in my mouth and I could get sick.  That has gotten better I promise :). 

7.  I envy my dad's work ethic-  My dad is the hardest worker I know.  When I was little my dad went to work full time and he also went to school full time to get a better job to provide better for his family.  My dad works so hard and he does it all for others.  Even his job involves helping others.  I wish I had his drive and his selflessness.

8.  I wish my fears didn't hold me back-  I love to sing but I have always been scared to sing in front of people.  It brings tears to my eyes when I see people sing and open their arms and sing with all of they are and all that they have.  I just wish I was brave enough. 

9.  I DON'T LIKE BIRDS- Birds creep me out.  I don't like that they could fly over you and poop on you at anytime of the day.  I have had too many ad bird experiences that they just give me anxiety.  That's all I want to say about that.

10.  I like to change my hair-  I am lucky to have a friend that does hair.  I met her when I was at college and then she started doing my hair.  I have brown hair and to me it could get kind of boring so I like to change it.  Right now I have blond hair.  I haven't gone all blond so I thought why not!  People tell me that my hair is going to be fried but I just tell them "I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't go tanning so let me dye my hair!" .  It is something fun for me and I'm glad my husband lets me be me and he has the same philosophy as me that you can always change your hair :)

Well that's all for now I will try not to be so bad about posting! the end..
